Burnout and Stress for Healthcare Professionals

Our lives look vastly different than they did two years ago. We have lost friends, family, and neighbors to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have experienced severe social and economic disruptions. Yet we have also learned a lot about what it means to take care of ourselves, to make space for small acts of joy, and dream of how we can do better.  

Healthcare professionals know this better than anyone. You have been on the frontlines of some of the most challenging circumstances of generations. You see patients everyday experiencing symptoms of stress and burnout. You know the very real consequences of stress on the body. And yet it is so often the caregivers who struggle the most with setting boundaries, reducing stress and burnout, and developing plans for wellness. You do this work with your patients, let us help you do it for yourself.  

Here at C-WHO we have partnered with Master’s level trained clinicians that will help you identify your stressors. Together, you will create a plan to reduce stress and burnout so that you can look forward to a better future. Our consultations are not therapy. We are not here to diagnose mental illness. And we are not a crisis line. But we are 100% confidential – we’ll never share information with your employer – and you can speak to one of our clinicians over Zoom. 

Burnout is different from stress. We often characterize stress as being over-engaged, reacting with urgency, anxiety-inducing, and taking a physical toll on the body. Burnout creates symptoms of confusion, apathy, depression, and is emotionally draining. Burnout is not going to get better with a week-long vacation or catching up on sleep over the weekend. It requires sustained and consistent habits of mindfulness, boundary setting, and support.  

Mental and emotional health does not happen overnight. It takes practice. And let’s be honest, practice does not make perfect, but it can make things better. We will work with you to develop plans for building resilience, finding tips and tricks to re-center yourself when things feel like they are overwhelming, and make sure that you are equipped for wherever your career takes you.  

Here at C-WHO we work to inspire and create radically innovative solutions across the health spectrum. We could not do the work we do without healthcare professionals like you. Let us help. Call 208-812-4999 to schedule your virtual consultation today. Not a healthcare professional? Our virtual consultations are for you too!

  • mental health
  • mental wellness
  • behavioral health
  • healthcare professionals
Linda CardwellBurnout and Stress for Healthcare Professionals

Pride in Idaho Care Neighborhoods

Description: Information pertaining to the Pride in Idaho Care Neighborhoods project at C-WHO on the Rural Health Information Hub website.

Author(s): Rural Health Information Hub

Title: Pride in Idaho Care Neighborhoods.

Resource Type: Website

Format: Webpage

Length: 10 min (reading)

URL:  https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/project-examples/1105 

Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonPride in Idaho Care Neighborhoods

Clinical Pharmacy: PrEP & PEP. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention

Description: Virtual Presentation by Neil Ragan, MD Presentation Date: March 9, 2022

Author(s): C-WHO; Neil Ragan.

Title: Clinical Pharmacy: PrEP & PEP. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 55 minutes

URL: https://youtu.be/sY0e_azmCVQ

Sponsored by: C-WHO, PiICN

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonClinical Pharmacy: PrEP & PEP. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention

Essentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 1

Description: Virtual Presentation by Andrew Phillip, PhD., LP & Oscar Marquez, M.Ed.

Author(s): Andrew Phillip, Oscar Marquez.

Title: Essentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 1

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 120 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qch85NOYItg

Sponsored by: C-WHO, IIBHN

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonEssentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 1

Essentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 2

Description: Virtual Presentation by Andrew Phillip, PhD., LP & Oscar Marquez, M.Ed.

Author(s): Andrew Phillip, Oscar Marquez.

Title: Essentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 2

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 120 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I0UzwO8XFg

Sponsored by: C-WHO, IIBHN

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonEssentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 2

Expanding Transgender Care to Rural Communities

Description: Part of the Idaho Rural LGBTQ+ Care: Residency Series. Jeffrey Pennings, DO Family Medicine Health Center & Family Medicine Residency of Idaho, Nampa Program Camille Evans, LCSW Valor Health

Author(s):Jeffrey Pennings and Camille Evans

Title: Expanding Transgender Care to Rural Communities.

Series Title: Idaho Rural LGBTQ+ Care: Residency Series

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 50 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd1eUGqyKNs

Sponsored by: PiICN, C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonExpanding Transgender Care to Rural Communities

Transgender Healthcare in the Rural Setting

Description: Part of the Idaho Rural LGBTQ+ Care: Residency Series Dr. Neil Ragan Health West – ISU Family Medicine.

Author(s): C-WHO; Neil Ragan.

Title: Transgender Healthcare in the Rural Setting.

Series Title: Residency Series

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 60 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm0ZK9ag8kQ

Sponsored by: PiICN

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonTransgender Healthcare in the Rural Setting

LGBTQIA Health Resource Library

Description: A printable PDF guide to resources pertaining to healthcare care access, inclusion, and equity for LGBTQ+ individuals., from Pride in Idaho Care Neighborhoods project from C-WHO.

Author(s): C-WHO

Title: LGBTQIA Health Resource Library

Series Title:

Resource Type: Brochure

Format: PDF

Length: 15-20 minutes

URL: https://www.c-who.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/LGBTQIA-Health-Resource-Library.pdf

Sponsored by: PiICN, C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonLGBTQIA Health Resource Library

Pride in Idaho Care Neighborhoods Roadmap

Description: A printable pdf guide for healthcare communities regarding the work and learnings of the Pride in Idaho Care Neighborhoods project from C-WHO, which aims to support and improve healthcare access for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Author(s): C-WHO

Title: Pride in Idaho Care Neighborhoods Roadmap. A Guide for Healthcare Communities.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Article

Format: PDF

Length: 15-20 minutes

URL: https://www.c-who.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Pride-In-Idaho-Care-Neighborhoods-Roadmap-Updated-Aug-2022.pdf

Sponsored by: PiICN, C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonPride in Idaho Care Neighborhoods Roadmap

Life Support. Camille Evans. Episode 3.

Description: Listen in as host Rachel Blanton speaks with Camille Evans about her relationship with Valor Health, her own experience and worries with healthcare in the LGBT+ community, and how that impacts the work she does today with Valor Health.

Author(s): C-WHO; Camille Evans

Title: Life Support. Episode 3. Camille Evans.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Podcast

Format: Audio

Length: 33 minutes

URL: https://hub.c-who.org/podcasts/life-support/episodes/2147798483

Sponsored by: C-WHO, I-ROPPES

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonLife Support. Camille Evans. Episode 3.
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